Friday, 10 March 2017


Camerawork and Cinematography are important to any film, especially in a football hooligan film such as Green Street and The Hooligan Factory as it helps create the setting, atmosphere and helps shows true emotions of characters in scenes.

For example shots such as...                                                                        
Image result for green street

Close-Up shot: A close up shot shoes the true emotion of the character or even the damage done to the characters face in cases like football hooligan films.

Image result for green street hooligans

Long Shot: A long shot is used to show a further away view of the action happening in the scene, for a football hooligan film this could be a stadium or a long shot of a fight scene.

Image result for green street

Medium Shot: A medium shot can be used to show emotion and feelings of multiple characters in the scene such as the characters from Green Street celebrating when there team scores.

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Shot-Reverse Shot: A shot reverse shot is almost always used in a conversation. The pace of the cut between each person talking can suggest the intensity of the conversation. This would be used in a football hooligan film quite frequently as these films are fast paced.

Shots such as match-on-actions are also used to show action happening from different camera angles to give the scene a (depending on the situation) feeling of the pace. For example, a fight in a hooligan film will use fast paced match on action shots to show the tempo of the fight.

In some parts of a film, handheld camera movements are used. Sometime this is used to act as though its just someone off the streets filming it like a fly on a wall, instead of moving the camera along a special rail, the shakiness of the camera and the mobility of it gives a certain scene an immersive experience.  

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