Green Street Title Sequence Analysis
The films title sequences begin with this shot which shows the director of the film Lexi Alexander. This shot then uses a dissolve into the next shot which shows people running through a train station dressed in clothes such as stone island which instantly tells the audience they are football hooligans as they are being very loud whilst running through having a joke with their pals.
The main titles of the film begin here though when the main character is travelling through an airport and we begin to see all the actors who are involved in the film. I believe the use of titles in this film is very effective as it is quite subtle and they aren't overly large or obnoxious but actually look good and come onto the shot seamlessly. This is something that I would like to incorporate into my film as I believe the titles are better being quite subtle. The titles also feature non-diegetic music which I believe makes the titles quite emotional in the case because the main character has had bad news so it fits. In my film I want to include non-diegetic music within the titles to portray the initial mood of the film. However because my films plot is a lot happier than this at the beginning I plan on using a more upbeat song to fit with this.
The main title for the film is put onto the screen through the same way as all the main actors names. I think in this case it works well due to the sad tone of this beginning so none of the titles should be obnoxious or in the way and instead subtle. However within my film I plan to make the title of the film more noticeable perhaps by fading to black to bring the name of the film onto the screen then. After this the title sequence carries on the same as what I have already described. Overall I believe this is a very effective title sequence and is one that I plan to take inspiration for when we create the title sequence for our film.
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