Saturday, 26 November 2016

Continuity in film

Continuity in film
Continuity in film is used to give the audience the impression that the action within the film is taking place in a consistent manner.

180 degree line
The 180 degree line is when the camera is behind the same shoulder for each actor to keep the shot looking realistic. If the shot was filmed from one actors left shoulder then the actor facing him's right shoulder it would like like both actors are facing the same way. This could confuse audiences into not knowing what is going on.

Shot reverse Shot
This is when the camera shows the face of one character from over the shoulder of the other character. This is to give perspective as to who is talking to who and where they are positioned. The camera will then be placed over the opposite shoulder of the person sat opposite and will show the other person talking.This is done to show characters are talking to each other instead of making it look as though they are sat next to each other.
Image result for shot reverse shot

Match on action
Match on action is used to show continuity from two different shots. An example of this is an actor walking toward a door and grabbing the handle. The camera then changes to a close up of the actors hand turning the handle and walking inside.
 Image result for match on action shot

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