Treatment 2
Title- Day aht in sheff
Duration of film- 2 mins
Audience- 16+ People who like films about football hooliganism.
Distributer- Momentum Pictures
Synopsis of film- James
wakes up to "Hi Ho Silver Lining"playing from his alarm clock.
Instantly realised today was match day, but not any normal match day.
Today was the quarter final of the FA Cup against Sheffield Wednesday's
rivals Sheffield UNited He kicks the covers off and kicks his wife out
of bed and starts chanting at the top of his voice. He then goes
downstairs, gets out a cereal bowl and a box of cereal. He pours the
cereal into the bowl and soaks it with a can of Fosters. Then eats his
cereal whilst on the early sesh. Soon
to go upstairs to take a quick shower and chuck on his clobber. Gets
his cap, stone island jumper, jeans, scarf and adidas trainers straight
on and off he goes. Quickly kissing his wife and telling her he will
stay safe. He then makes the walk to the weatherspoons with his lads for
a cooked breakfast, a few pints and a bit of banter. Followed by a
train journey to town.
Suggested elements
Comedic- Beer on cereal
Clothing- Stone island
Good Charcterisation
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